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You’ve Hired A Nanny, Housekeeper Or Household Manager Now What?

You’ve Hired A Nanny, Housekeeper Or Household Manager Now What?

You've Hired A Nanny, Housekeeper Or Household Manager Now What?

You’ve Hired A Nanny, Housekeeper Or Household Manager Now What?

It’s time for a brief history of your future.

It’s time for a brief history of your future. Let’s step into a time machine, of sorts. You’ve hired a Nanny to help care for your child or a housekeeper to help clean and maintain your home. You had great exaggerated fantasies, hopes, and dreams that you wanted to see fulfilled in your child’s life as well as your own. But something’s not working.  You had the will to succeed and believed you could fly.  You understood your reasons for pursuing your goals, but somehow lacked the power to accomplish them.

Even though you had that indomitable ‘can-do spirit’ and felt like nothing could stop you, something did. What was it? While this question is deeply personal, subjective, and situational, it is important to face. We’ve all been given wings, yet only a few of us learn to fly. So why is that exactly? Have you thought about it? Have you set crystal clear expectations, established well-defined boundaries, set goals, and laid out realistic and tangible ways to achieve them? Remember that a goal without a plan is a wish without a hope.  There’s no getting around this.

You look around for something or someone to blame. But you quickly find playing the blame game is only shifting responsibilities. The true leader does not ask “whose fault is this?” The true, effective leader says “who’s going to take responsibility for this?” There is a big difference with the proper perspective.  You must at all times remember that you alone are responsible for how your life turns out.  This also directly relates to the care for your child, which matters above all else.

You’ve Hired A Nanny, Housekeeper Or Household Manager Now What? Tip:   If you are willing to take the first step, which is the acceptance of full responsibility for all outcomes within your power to control, then you will find your mind will mobilize all of its forces to your aid. When you lead with poise and dignity, all else falls in line. There is great power to be found in resisting the appeals of a sense of pride that is free from vanity. And as long as you are free of that vice, you are ready to fly.  When was the last time you really clarified your hopes and dreams, and inspired those around you to join in your mission of intentional excellence? Try this today.
GEORGIA (770) 517 – 0443

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As featured by… | Atlanta Journal Constitution |Best Atlanta Childcare KUDZU 2013 \  CWK Television Network  | Points North Magazine |  Towne Laker Magazine  | Gwinnett Business Journal Newspaper | Cherokee Ledger-News |  Cherokee Tribune | Atlanta – December 12, 2013 – Georgia’s Dream Nannies, Inc. was named a Best of 2013 winner for Atlanta Child Care on a leading source for local business information and consumer reviews.  Over 5 million local businesses competed across a wide range of categories including home, auto, health and professional services. Winners were determined based on thousands of votes from consumers in the Atlanta Kudzu community. Georgia’s Dream Nannies, Inc. received the top honor!

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