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YES! In Addition To Nannies, We Also Place Housekeepers

YES! In Addition To Nannies, We Also Place Housekeepers

YES! In Addition To Nannies, We Also Place Housekeepers


Yes! We also offer Household Managers and Housekeepers Here are a few reasons families contact us for housekeeping placements.  First off, choosing good staff for your home is not easy, and the best people want consistency and stability.  Before you select someone to enter your home, a few potential problems will need to be addressed from the start.  All good household staffing placements begin with the most important thing, and that’s communicating your expectations in as clear a way as possible.  Once we know the essentials, we can ensure you’ll get a very high quality placement.  In fact, as with all our services, we guarantee it. Give us a call today to discuss your needs  @  Georgia Office: 770 – 517 – 0443  and South Carolina Office:  843 – 548 – 0510

  1. For starters, consider what parts of the house you want cleaned.
  2. Make a list of rooms, objects, and other various and sundry items that need special attention.
  3. Let us know if you have specific products you prefer the Housekeeper to use, i.e. environmentally-friendly, non-toxic cleaners, and so on.  If certain things are important with you, let us know.

Additionally, we need to know what things are unacceptable to you, i.e. allergies triggered by use or overuse of certain products, and so on.  We also need to know if you have specific scheduling requirements.  Be mindful that Housekeepers are people and treat them respectfully, this will go a long way.  However remember that like all people, it’s human nature to be nosy, so if certain items are deeply private – for your eyes only, then just put it away.  Call us now @ Georgia Office: 770 – 517 – 0443  and South Carolina Office:  843 – 548 – 0510

YES! We in addition to Household Managers and Nannies, we also place Housekeepers

YES! We in addition to Household Managers and Nannies, we also place Housekeepers

We want you to have a solid relationship of trust and a sense of security.  For example, you need to be comfortable enough that you don’t have to be home when the household staff is there.  Also there are times when you’ll need to speak up and say something if your goals aren’t being met.

Housekeeping is not a household staffing issue that you will want to overlook, in terms of its importance.  For example, an unhappy or underpaid employee will be less likely to do any little extras for you.  Also it’s so important to have clear understandings up front to prevent uncomfortable confrontations later.  This is where we can help tremendously.  Our aim is to achieve a win-win employment scenario where everyone comes out ahead.  This helps you achieve the goals you set for the family.   

Click Here & Start Your Search Today

Call us now @ Georgia Office: 770 – 517 – 0443  and South Carolina Office:  843 – 548 – 0510



As featured by… | Atlanta Journal Constitution |Best Atlanta Childcare KUDZU 2013 \  CWK Television Network  | Points North Magazine |  Towne Laker Magazine  | Gwinnett Business Journal Newspaper | Cherokee Ledger-News |  Cherokee Tribune |
Atlanta – December 12, 2013 – Georgia’s Dream Nannies, Inc. was named a Best of 2013 winner for Atlanta Child Care on a leading source for local business information and consumer reviews.  Over 5 million local businesses competed across a wide range of categories including home, auto, health and professional services. Winners were determined based on thousands of votes from consumers in the Atlanta Kudzu community. Georgia’s Dream Nannies, Inc. received the top honor!
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