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Winter And Holiday Nanny Crafts

Winter And Holiday Nanny Crafts

GDN Blog- Snow

Winter And Holiday Nanny Crafts 


I can’t believe that the holidays and Christmas are right around the corner. Well, why not start celebrating the holidays a little bit early by making your own snow!  I have the perfect winter and holiday nanny craft for you to make with the kids this week.  I know that we don’t see snow that often in the Southern regions, so why not make “fake” snow with the kids this week.


  • 1 bar of white soap

Just use a cheese grater and grate the bar of white soap OR you can use a Cuisinart to chop it up finely to look like snow. Next, just pop the chopped up soap into the freezer for about an hour.


I added blue glitter to the mix for a little extra sparkle.


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