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When A Nanny Leaves Her Job Unexpectedly

When A Nanny Leaves Her Job Unexpectedly

When A Nanny Leaves Her Job Unexpectedly

When a nanny leaves her job unexpectedly the employer (family) may wind up feeling frustrated, confused, angry, and grieve for a period because the nanny had become a part of the family.

Take a look inside a nannies mind for a moment and read what she may be thinking…..
1.       I wish that I was compensated fairly  for this exhausting job.
2.       I am compensated well for my job; However, the mother and or father reminds me weekly about how much they pay me and it makes me feel worthless.
3.       The children do not respect me and or they are unruly.
4.       I would like for you to speak to me in a respectful tone, rather than a demeaning one!
5.       I am not you….I never will be you….therefore do not expect me to think as you do in every situation. I am my own being! I will try my best to do as you do, but remember….I am not you!
6.       Stop micromanaging me! I’m not perfect all the time, so please do not get upset with me when I make a mistake.
7.       How can you expect me to discipline your children if we are not on the same page with consequences?
8.       The family does not respect my free time. I’m always asked to rearrange my schedule.  I’m chewed out if I question it and or already have outside plans!
9.       The family does not communicate problems with my nanny work until it’s too late to be fixed and tempers flare.
10.   I’m not appreciated! The family does not acknowledge a good days work.
11.  No one listens to me!
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