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We strive for excellence

We strive for excellence

We strive for excellence

We strive for excellence in everything we do, but not perfection. You see, Georgia’s Dream Nannies, Inc. is a full service “Domestic Household Staffing Placement Agency” with a strong track record of notable success (Testimonials Rewards) since 2003.  The company has experienced staff of real people you can interact with (not simply words on a screen) and is totally committed to the pursuit of intentional excellence (not just willing to settle for mediocrity).

Georgia’s Dream Nannies strives for excellence while helping and serving others. We are committed to helping our candidates (Nannies, Housekeepers, Household Managers, etc.) succeed by guiding them to the right career choice and not just a job. It is our desire to guide our clients against hiring a person to fill a job. The Georgia’s Dream Nannies staff is committed to making our clients lives better by recruiting humble, sincere, passionate, serious, loyal, trust-worthy, passionate, hard-working, motivated and “servant-hearted” individuals.


Georgia's Dream Nannies, Inc. - Atlanta, GA - Best Of 2015 - Georgia's Dream Nannies, Inc. - Atlanta, GA - Best Of 2014 - Georgia's Dream Nannies, Inc. - Atlanta, GA - Best Of 2013 -  TOP-RATED COMPANY 3-YEARS IN A ROW!

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