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Top 5 Questions to Ask Before Accepting a Nanny Job

Top 5 Questions to Ask Before Accepting a Nanny Job

Top 5 Questions to Ask Before Accepting a Nanny Job


Excitement is in the air! You’ve been selected for an interview with a fabulous family and it seems to be a dream fit. You’ve spent hours researching some of the top questions to ask before accepting a nanny job and prepared a list to ask the family. Hopes are high and a nanny job offer seems so close you can taste it! In those moments, it is easy to get caught up in nerves and the anticipation of what could be just around the corner. You want to do everything you can to make a great impression on the family!


Professional nannies, however, know that in these moments they are interviewing the family as much as the family is interviewing them. So how do you know if the family is a good fit for you? We’ve compiled a list of our top 5 questions to ask before accepting a nanny job!


Top Question #1 to ask before accepting a nanny job – What does a typical week look like?

Before accepting a nanny job, it is crucial to understand expectations. For parents who have had a nanny before, this may be easy to answer. If the parents, however, are having trouble putting into words exactly what they need, you can ask a follow-up question such as “Tell me what last week looked like for your family.” If the family mentions they will need some flexibility (as most do), find out how often. Will the schedule change 1-2 times a week or 1-2 times a month?


Top Question #2 to ask before accepting a nanny job – What is your parenting philosophy?

Learning how parents raise their children will give you key insights on whether your personality and beliefs will mesh. Are they looking fo

Top 5 Questions to Ask Before Accepting a Nanny Job

r a nanny to run the show or assistance so they can have quality time with their kids when they arrive home? Every family is different. Understanding this dynamic and others such as expectations of children, discipline methods and current challenges will go a long way in helping you make your decision.


Top Question #3 to ask before accepting a nanny job – Have you had a nanny before? (If so, follow-up questions can include “What issues did you have with previous nannies and how did you resolve them?” Or “Tell me who has been a five-star nanny for your family and how.”)


We love getting to talk to new clients who rave about their past nanny! It gives us a window into their world and what they value the most! It also gives us insight into what the family may assume their next nanny will do. Keep in mind, however, that no relationship is perfect. Use this opportunity to respectfully ask about past issues and talk through changes they would like to see.


Top Question #4 to ask before accepting a nanny job – How will we communicate?

This should be #1 on your radar – How does the family expect to communicate with me on a daily basis? As a nanny working with high-end clients, take the initiative to support parents who are often juggling many responsibilities simultaneously. To be a cut above the rest, come prepared with some ideas of how you can communicate with them whether it is a nanny log of activities or a daily update email. If you are tech savvy – you may enjoy a new (free!) app call Brightwheel (check it out at Whatever it is – establish a plan early for how updates can be given and concerns can be addressed.


Top Question #5 to ask before accepting a nanny job – How do you see the role of the nanny?

Understanding whether you are viewed as part of the family or an employee can establish realistic expectations and help you avoid frustrations down the road. Their philosophy will affect many aspects of your job. Does the family view you as a childcare expert that they look to as they navigate through their child’s developmental stages? Or does the family love their nanny but desire to make decisions on their own? Understanding where the family stands and what you desire your role to be will be a huge factor in compatibility.  


The Million-Dollar Top Question to ask before accepting a nanny job When should a nanny bring up salary?

As a nanny of Georgia’s Dream Nannies agency, we generally can give you the range the family is considering before your first interview. We recommend, however, discussing salary specific questions at the 2nd interview unless the family brings up the subject earlier.

Misc. Tips:

  1. Check out our top 5 questions to ask your nanny here 
  2. What should I include on my nanny resume? Click here
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