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Women’s Speaker Tag

What happens when our knees hit the ground

[caption id="attachment_6988" align="aligncenter" width="225"] What happens when our knees hit the ground[/caption] What happens when our knees hit the ground? I  walked in the door of my child's beautifully decorated Mother's day party at school with the anticipation of a great party, but I had anything but a great time. The tables were adorned with gorgeous table-cloths and flowers and handmade crafts just...

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Women’s Speaker Serra Deville Talking About Pride

  [caption id="attachment_6934" align="alignright" width="250"] Women's Speaker Serra Deville Talking About Pride[/caption] GOING FROM PRIDE TO HUMILITY IN A LITTLE OVER A YEAR The Hebrew word for pride means presumption.  I had the wonderful opportunity to appear on the show Atlanta Live last night. I spoke on creating my company Georgia's Dream Nannies from scratch and dealing with pride and humility in the work-place. I...

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