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Simple Things Can Be So Fun!

Simple Things Can Be So Fun!

While the weather is up and down being chilly one day and mild the next it’s time to get those kiddos outdoors when you find a good day mixed in there! Here are a couple of my favorite easy, inexpensive, and creative ways to keep your children entertained and active! 
One of the easiest ways I have seen work with entertaining my nanny kids is always bubbles!! Though bubbles may seem simple, people often forget how much children enjoy them! To make it even better, here is a link to an easy DIY bubble recipe so that you can make your own! Some other super simple ways to get off of the couch and onto your feet are hiking to a pretty spot and going on a picnic, getting outside to play with sidewalk chalk, or even going to do something as extravagant as going to a theme park! You will be surprised at how big of a difference fresh air and a fun exploration will make!
You can do something as simple as walking around the neighborhood or as lavish as hiking to the most beautiful waterfall in Atlanta. Exploring and having children see new places and experience new views allows children to learn while also having the time of their lives! Here is a link to the most beautiful waterfalls near you! Be safe and have fun on your wild adventure!

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