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Recipe of the Week: Pork Egg Rolls

Recipe of the Week: Pork Egg Rolls

Recipe of the Week: Pork Egg Rolls


We are going to add a new feature to our blogs. We are going to start offering recipes that are healthy, nutritious, easy to prepare, full of flavor and color and best of all … laid out for you. If you have a favorite recipe please feel free to share it with us.


Today’s offering is Deconstructed Pork Egg Rolls. This is a paleo, keto, low carb and gluten free. It is full of healthy veggies and color and can be a lot of fun if you get kids involved in helping prepare. Click here for the recipe.


Here is a special trick to help children eat a variety of foods. Get them involved in the process. Make it age appropriate. For younger children perhaps they simply measure and stir ingredients together. For older children, allow help with slicing and dicing and chopping. They are much more excited about trying a dish they helped prepare.


Credit for this recipe goes to

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