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Professional Housekeepers love to work with high-quality products, especially when dealing with laundry wash (aka soap).

Professional Housekeepers love to work with high-quality products, especially when dealing with laundry wash (aka soap).

Luxurious Laundry Soap for Housekeepers

Right to your door!

Click here to learn more

Let’s talk about laundry for a minute. I don’t know about your family, but my families laundry seems to multiply in the laundry basket. I love the fact that I am blessed to have a family to wash and fold laundry for on a weekly basis, and I am blessed to own clothes to clean, but this still does not change the fact that I do not enjoy washing and putting away our laundry. Most of our clients are too busy with soccer practice, family outings, work and other activities to tend with the time-consuming task of laundry duty.


When you hire a professional housekeeper through Georgia’s Dream Nannies to help with your laundry, then you are hiring a career-minded professional who actually enjoys cleaning clothes for a living.

We want to help our housekeepers and clients have the best smelling clothes around 🙂


We have partnered with House Market ( to offer you 4 wonderful laundry wash fragrances to choose from on their website.

Your clothes are sure to smell fabulous after a good wash!


32 oz of long lasting designer laundry wash made with natural essential oils.


Effective and safe care for your treasured garments. Exclusive, long lasting, beautifully crafted fragrances, made with natural essential oils.


  • Hi-Efficiency formulation
  • Concentrated
  • Natural fragrances
  • Cruelty free
  • X2 Concentrated

Visit for more information.

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