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Play-dough Fun

Play-dough Fun

Play-dough Fun


We are so excited to share this scented play dough recipe with you. If you are ready for your nanny children to have some fun in the Sun then try whipping up some homemade play-dough and playing on a blanket outside in the sunshine.


Here is our recipe for fun:

1 cup Flour

¼ cup Salt

1 TBSP. Crème of tartar

1 TBSP Vegetable Oil

10 drops Essential Oil

¾ cup Hot Water


Add the vegetable oil and essential oil to the hot water. Let cool. Add wet ingredients to the flour mixture. Combine. Knead until a dough consistency forms.






Have your nanny children create shapes and figures with their play-dough. Consider making a presentation for mom and dad or hold a contest. You can send pictures to mom and dad and allow them to judge the winner.


You can also add a couple of drops of food coloring for different colors and then enjoy creating.

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