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Organic Kid Friendly Snack Real Food

Organic Kid Friendly Snack Real Food

Organic Kid Friendly Snack

Real Food

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Organic Kid Friendly Snack

Real Food

Behind the snack: I had a sweet craving yesterday, so I hunted my kitchen for a snack. I couldn’t find anything to satisfy my sweet craving, so I made this healthy little snack with items from my pantry. My friend made a snack very similar to my version the other day and it was delicious, but I didn’t have the items needed for her recipe.

Measurements: I don’t really have any measurements because I just combined the ingredients all together and it turned out super delicious! I would just play around the measurements adding more to it if you need it. You just want to make sure that you have enough peanut butter or honey to make the snack stick together. My kids loved it too.

  1. A couple of spoonfuls organic peanut butter (I buy freshly ground up peanuts turned into peanut butter at the store). 
  2. A couple of squirts organic & local honey
  3. A couple of handfuls of organic oats 
  4. 2 tbsp organic chocolate chips or you can make your own (recipe here)

I mixed it all up in a bowl and made little balls and placed on a plate and my family gobbled them up in just a few minutes. 

Entertaining Idea

This little snack would be really cute for a quick little snack to put together for unexpected guests or your next get-together. 

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