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Nanny Crafts For Valentines Day

Nanny Crafts For Valentines Day

Nanny Crafts For Valentines Day


What To Make: Create A Love Box For Valentines Day

What Is A Love Box? It’s A Sweet And Cute Way To Remember To LOVE  Your Family Today!

I woke up this morning around 4 am (Yes, I really do like getting up early) and decided that I have a serious addiction to my cell phone.  I carry it with me everywhere I go and all over the house. In fact, I was going to write a Facebook post today for all of our nannies about bubbles and I dropped my phone and it cracked while I was trying to take pictures of my kids chasing bubbles.

Well, I catch myself constantly checking to see if I have any messages or texts even with the glass broken.  I decided this morning that it was time to stop using my cell phone so much to check email, Facebook, text, etc. I needed to make something “visual” to help me get started right away!

I decided to make a Love Box (yes, I  totally made this up) to {house} my cell phone.  I made the Love Box in less than 15 minutes. I’m sure that you could make the box with fabric or dress up the box to make it look really cute, but I just didn’t have the time to do all of that this morning.  I know that my Love Box is not perfect by any means, but it serves as a powerful reminder to put my cell phone down and focus on my family or if you are a nanny this could be a great visual for you to put down your cell phone.

I decided to cut-out a pink heart and hot-glue it to the center of the box as a reminder to LOVE on my family at that moment.  I hope that this Valentines Day you will stop and reflect on your family and  create your very own Love Box.

Love Box Definition –  A small box to “house” your cell phone and help you remember to LOVE on your family!

Take A Look At The Slide show To See How I Made This Quick & Easy Love Box – Click Here To See Pictures and tutorial.


Let me know if you make a LOVE BOX! 

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