
Nannies – How to Work With A Domestic Placement Agency
One of the most fun parts of my job is interviewing potential new candidates for nanny positions we are seeking to fill. As a company we try to work with nannies that are widely diverse in experience, abilities, natural talents, interests, hobbies and personality. As families contact us with their criteria for a job requirement we also ask them to let us know what personality styles they tend to work best with as well as what type of lifestyle they enjoy as a family. All of this plays a large part in the matching up process as we personally select nannies to match up with families. If you are new to working with an agency or simply would like help building a stronger relationship with your agency, here are some helpful hints.
- Be Straighforward – Do not add to your resume or fluff your actual experience to try to sound better or land a job. Your recruiter at the agency you are working with will become your biggest ally and advocate in your job search. Be genuine and allow your recruiter to get to know the real you. This will help immensely in how they connect you with families that will ultimately be the perfect fit for you.
- Trust the Recruiter – THEY ARE YOUR ALLY. It is in the recruiter’s best interest to help you land a job as well. The recruiter has also spent time talking to the family. She will have inside information on the best way to present the total package of you and your capabilities as a nanny as well as how to interact with the family. Be someone that the recruiter can trust as well.
- Keep Your Word – One very important point – You are representing the agency you are working with. It is not their job to represent you and be at your beck and call. There are plenty of online sites where you can represent yourself but if you have chosen to work with an agency, whether it is because you want to find better quality families or simply don’t want the headache of an online site, you represent them. Their reputation is important. If you agree to an interview – DO NOT BACK OUT. If you agree to accept a position – DO NOT BACK OUT. If trust is broken with your agency then you have only hurt yourself.
- Understand The Agency Procedures – Take time to learn their system. Ask questions about what is the best way to work with them. Understanding their expectations and procedures and then working within those will make you a superstar candidate. Don’t contact the employer directly. Run all communication through the agency. If a family contacts you directly, make sure you fill your recruiter in. This will demonstrate your integrity and build even more trust. Communicate well and fully about interviews, ask good questions of the recruiter. Let the agency advocate you.
The benefits of working with an agency are tremendous. You will have support and an ally. Make sure you are the quality of candidate that they can fully stand behind.