Hire a nanny with Newborn Specialists Background

Hire a nanny with Newborn Specialists Background

What Should I Look For When Hiring A Nanny?

Hire a nanny with Newborn Specialists Background

Did you just welcome a new little one into this world?   Are you overwhelmed with the responsibilities of caring for the infant at night or during the day? Georgia’s Dream Nannies can help you! 

How can a nanny with newborn specialist background help my family?

Nannies with newborn specialist background can help with lactation support if needed. They can also provide support and consultation to mother in regards to newborn needs. She can help the mother by planning a routine for meals, napping, and play time.

Helping the mother

  • Helping with sleep training and development – Helping you and baby get on the right track!
  • Helping or assisting with feeding, bathing, and changing the infant as needed
  • Helping / preparation of bottles
  • Washing, handling, cleaning & sterilizing bottles as needed or requested by mother.

Nannies with newborn specialist background can also provide stimulating activities to help infant brain development. The Nannies with newborn specialist background will interact with infant and not just lay them in front of a television. They can help assist mother with any infant related tasks to help make a safe environment for the infant. Overall, Nannies with newborn specialist background can be  moral support, confidant and help-mate for the mother.

Click here to learn how nannies with newborn specialists background can help your family and learn more about our pricing/rates.



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