In-Home-Childcare-Suggestions For Positive Reinforcement When Working With Children
Anyone who works in a in-home childcare situation understands the importance of finding the right balance for discipline. I have include a few suggestions that you may want to discuss with your employer (family) before implementing them with children.
What You Need
- Provide your child with a Motivator Card (I will upload one soon – Check Back With Us)
- Stickers or markers
How It Works
You will explain to your child (Typically 3.5 years or older) that they will be rewarded daily for the following (Feel free to change or modify to meet your needs). The child will receive a sticker or a check mark (using a marker) on the Motivator card when they complete one or more of the following items listed below.
- Completing a chore without complaining
- Caught doing something good without being told
- Interacts with siblings appropriately
- Minds the nanny
- Does his or her homework
- No temper tantrums before lunchtime
- Using his or her manners
- Speaking kind words
- Cleans his or her room
- Brushes teeth
- Washes his or her hands after using restroom
Motivator Cards
Click Here For More Ideas! A Motivator Card is basically a chart with 5 or more squares that the child can either check off with a marker or place a sticker next to each accomplished task. When the Motivator Card is filled up, then you can reward them (See reinforcer ideas below).
Reinforcer Ideas
- Special movie time with a parent
- Child selects the dinner menu for a night
- Child selects a special treat / snack
- Stay up an extra 30 minutes after bedtime
- No chore duties
- Buy a toy
- Have a friend over for a sleep-over
- Help plan a fun play-date with friends
- Help choose a craft to make
- Use of markers or special paint to create something special
Please comment and let me know what you think of the Motivator Cards and please share your ideas on here to!
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