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How To Make DIY Homemade Laundry Detergent

How To Make DIY Homemade Laundry Detergent


How To Make DIY Homemade Laundry Detergent

Let me go ahead and get this out there – I’m not a real crafty person or a real-obsessive homemaker. I just enjoy making things that are super-easy and take little to know time to whip up and the results are always good!

Well, with that being said, I’ve been making my own laundry detergent for quite sometime now because it seems that I just can’t mess up this recipe. Honestly, I can’t believe how incredibly easy it is to whip up the detergent in just minutes and it lasts me about a month.

  1. Shave or Chop 1 bar of  soap (I use Fels-Naptha).  I chop the soap first into little chunks. Next,  I place it into my  Cousinart to chop up, but you could also use a small hand grader and then blend together with the other dry ingredients below in your Cousinart or blender.
  2. Add 1 cup of  Borax (See picture below) I found mine in the laundry isle at Wal-Mart
  3. Add 1 cup of Washing Soda (See picture below)  I found mine in the laundry isle at Wal-Mart
  4. Blend all of the ingredients together 
  5. Pour into an airtight glass container.
  6. I use 2  1/2 tablespoons per wash-load. I also have a front-loader washing machine and it just does fine. 


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Disclaimer: Use with caution – I’m not a scientist, but only a mom sharing what I make in my home. Use with caution! I make no claims that this detergent will work for you.

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