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How To Get The Most From Your Employee

How To Get The Most From Your Employee

Georgia's Dream Nannies - Find local nannies, child care, housekeepers, caregivers near you. Local jobs for babysitting, nanny,and h

How To Get The Most From Your Employee


Over the years, I have spoken to numerous families about hiring a nanny, housekeeper, household manager and other staff and one of the top questions they always ask me is how do I get the most from my employee during the work-week.

1.  Set realistic weekly goals for your nanny to accomplish with your children and the household.  Make sure that you keep it to a minimum of 1-page or less.

2.  Set up monthly meetings to discuss how things are going on both sides.

3. Ask your nanny for her input on the daily tasks or assignments.  Does she feel that it’s impossible or overwhelming to accomplish everything you are asking her to do each day.

4. Treat your nanny to an ice-cream or special treat every 3-months. Keep it small and inexpensive ($3.00 or less).

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