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How to find, hire and keep a good Nanny

How to find, hire and keep a good Nanny

How to find, hire and keep a good Nanny

How to find, hire and keep a good Nanny


Let’s face it; finding and hiring a Nanny to work inside your home can be exciting and down-right intimidating! How are they going to affect your life, schedule, and children? The goal when hiring a Nanny is that it will be a rewarding experience with everyone involved. We always tell our clients to sit down and really examine your families needs what type of care you need in your home. Click here for more tips on hiring a Nanny.

How to keep a good Nanny relationship

There are two things to keep in mind when you are trying to build a healthy relationship with your Nanny. Start everyday off with open communication and end everyday with a show of appreciation for a job well done. To ensure open communication from the very beginning, I always recommend that you begin your Nanny/family relationship with a Nanny Agreement (Household Placement Agreement). Your relationship with your Nanny is like no other you will ever have. It is both intensely personal and yet by necessity must remain professional.  Make honest, respectful communication a priority from the beginning. Georgia’s Dream Nannies starts every family off with our comprehensive Household Placement Agreement. Our Household Placement Agreement covers every contingency we have come across in over 13- years of business and is one of the many benefits our clients receive when hiring through our agency.

Communication with your Nanny

Communication with your Nanny must remain open and fluid the entire time your Nanny works with you.  Take the time to outline the things that are important to you and give your Nanny clear instructions on what you want. Even the best Nannies need direction on your family’s personal preferences. It can be very simple to show your Nanny that you value and appreciate what she does for your family. Something as simple as saying “thank you” at the end of the day, valuing her input into behavior challenges, and noticing the small yet important things she does to keep your household running smoothly are all ways to let your Nanny know you respect and appreciate her.

Keep a good Nanny happy

How do you keep a good Nanny happy? Be professional! Keep on top of your paperwork obligations and pay your Nanny’s salary on time. Have a petty cash system in place so that your Nanny doesn’t have to dip into her own funds to pay for your expenses. Nobody likes to talk about money and if your Nanny is regularly asking for reimbursements, it will be uncomfortable for everyone involved. Keep in mind the importance of open communication and the value of a simple show of appreciation and you are sure to have a long and mutually beneficial relationship with your Nanny! Georgia’s Dream Nannies is here to help aleveate the stress of finding, hiring and keeping a good Nanny. Let our professional staff guide you through the process. Let’s get started today! Give us a call 1-844-NANNY22  Or click here to send us a message.

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