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How Can You or Your Nanny Stimulate Creativity in Your Child

How Can You or Your Nanny Stimulate Creativity in Your Child

How Can You or Your Nanny Stimulate Creativity in Your Child?

How Can You or Your Nanny Stimulate Creativity in Your Child?

Children are natural born learners. They love to look at the world around them and figure things out. But so often in our culture we have defaulted to entertaining children through a TV or computer screen, limiting their imagination. So how do we take back our kids imagination and stimulate creativity in them? How do we expect their nanny to continue what we have set out to achieve?


Teaching a child to express their creativity is much easier than we tend to make it. A nanny agency in Atlanta has provided their nannies with opportunities to learn and grow in how to facilitate this characteristic in the children they care for. Given the opportunity, children will express their creativity in ways that might surprise you.


Instead of turning on the TV you or your nanny could have fun with arts and crafts. Have a creativity corner stocked with paint, crayons, play dough, beads, paper, and string. Encourage them to draw an animal they’ve never seen before or build a tall building with blocks. Reading together can also be a great activity for you or your nanny to do with your children. Ask them how they think a character is feeling or how they would like the story to end.


Atlanta nanny agencies can also be a great resource. They often provide workshops to stimulate your own creativity in how to better grow your child’s imagination. Atlanta has many museums, parks, and children’s centers that could be a field trip for your nanny to take your children to. Have the nanny take them on an expedition and explore the woods or a creek or a new playground.


Stimulating your child’s creativity just requires less screen time and more of getting on their level, but I’m sure that if you do, you’ll be amazed and surprised at how uniquely they see the world around them!

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