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Hiring A Mommy’s Helper, Mommy Assistant, Personal Assistant

Hiring A Mommy’s Helper, Mommy Assistant, Personal Assistant

Hiring A Mommy’s Helper, Mommy Assistant, Personal Assistant

Family Assistant, Mommy Assistant & More


Never ending to-do lists.  Make school lunches. Buy snacks for baseball team. Volunteer at school. Carpool.  Run errands.  Balance working from home.  Closets overflowing with stuff.  Papers everywhere. Family needs a haircut. Dog needs shots. Car needs repairs.

I wake up at 5 am and drag myself out of bed and head downstairs to the coffee maker. I wake up early because I know that today will be different and better than yesterday.  I give myself a big pat on the back because I will finally get ahead of my to-do list; However, the baby wakes up earlier than expected and wants to be fed, my oldest son forgot that he had a project due at school today, my toddler wet his bed again (changing sheets now), my husband can’t find his important files because our daughter colored on them, and the dog ate a piece of my sandal. I look around at the chaos of my home and start to fall apart because I don’t feel qualified to help run my own home and feel guilty for even considering hiring help. Does this sound familiar? Georgia’s Dream Nannies understands that every family may not need a Nanny (childcare provider), but they may need assistance with their own personal daily tasks. 

What Is A Mommy’s Helper, Mommy Assistant and FamilyAssistant?

A Mommy’s Helper or Mommy’s Assistant is simply a helper for the mother during the day while the children are home. The Mommy’s helper or Mommy’s Assistant works alongside the mother helping her complete whatever daily tasks pertaining to the children need to be completed (run errands, drive children to activities, and so on).

Family Assistant:

A Family Assistant will help the mother or father with duties pertaining to the children or home.

Typical Duties:

  • Help carpool children to and from activities
  • Run errands
  • Help with carpool
  • Grocery shop
  • Meal plan
  • Meal prep
  • Help you shop for Christmas and or birthday presents
  • Help you setup and take-down birthday parties
  • Help you setup and take-down holiday parties
  • Help you decorate your home for the holidays
  • Help you plan for family or guests coming in from out-of-town during the holidays.
  • Help you with guests needs in your home over the holidays.
  • Setup catering for parties and or events and or holiday parties
  • Help you with home-office secretarial assistance if needed (organize files, database entry, etc.)
  • Send thank you-cards and birthday cards to family and friends
  • Help you organize your closets
  • Help organize your home office 
  • Help with occasional childcare needs

Potential Schedules:

  • Mon – Fri (All day)
  • M, W, F ( 2- 3 hours per day mornings or evenings)
  • Weekends only
  • Weeknights only
  • Mornings only
  • 2 – 4 week commitment only
  • 5 – 7 week commitment only
  • 3 – month commitment only

Temporary Help

Do you have a big project and need some extra help to get it done? You can hire an Assistant full-time or part-time and for 3-months or less!   Families can hire an Assistant  for the holidays or Summer. A temporary Assistant would also be a great addition to a busy household who has a Nanny working already in the home, but does not want to increase the Nannies hours over the holidays.

Permanent Help

You can hire an Assistant on a permanent basis too.

Gift Ideas

A Mommy’s Helper / Mommy Assistant / Personal Assistant would be a great present to an expectant or even a new mother.  

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