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Hire A Professional Housekeeper To Help With Laundry

Hire A Professional Housekeeper To Help With Laundry

Hire A Professional Full Charge Housekeeper Who Does Laundry

Hire A Professional Housekeeper To Help With Laundry

Let’s talk about laundry for a minute. I don’t know about your family, but my families laundry seems to multiply in the laundry basket. I love the fact that I am blessed to have a family to wash and fold laundry for on a weekly basis, and I am blessed to own clothes to clean, but this still does not change the fact that I do not enjoy washing and putting away our laundry. Most of our clients are too busy with soccer practice, family outings, work and other activities to tend with the time-consuming task of laundry duty. When you hire a professional housekeeper through Georgia’s Dream Nannies to help with your laundry, then you are hiring a career-minded professional who actually enjoys cleaning clothes for a living.

How many hours should I expect the housekeeper to work on one load of laundry?

A family with a size of two to four people will take the housekeeper close to two hours to sort clothes by color and material, wash, iron, dry, fold and to put away one large load of laundry.

Most families will need more than one laundry load done per day.  If your family does collect more than one load of laundry per day, then you will need to give your housekeeper at least two hours of work-time to complete a load of laundry in your home.

Click here to find a housekeeping job

Click here to find out more information about our services and HIRING a housekeeper

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As featured by… | Atlanta Journal Constitution |Best Atlanta ChildcareKUDZU 2013 & 2014  CWK Television Network  | Points North Magazine |  Towne Laker Magazine  | Gwinnett Business Journal Newspaper | Cherokee Ledger-News |  Cherokee Tribune | Atlanta – December 12, 2013 – Georgia’s Dream Nannies, Inc. was named a Best of 2013 winner for Atlanta Child Care on a leading source for local business information and consumer reviews.  Over 5 million local businesses competed across a wide range of categories including home, auto, health and professional services. Winners were determined based on thousands of votes from consumers in the Atlanta Kudzu community. Georgia’s Dream Nannies, Inc. received the top honor!

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