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Having A To Do List, Daily Goals And A Good Attitude

Having A To Do List, Daily Goals And A Good Attitude

Having A To Do List, Daily Goals And A Good Attitude!

Okay – Let’s be real here for a minute!  Honestly, I have to admit that becoming a woman of excellence in everything that I do is truly a daily struggle.  I am teaching myself that excellence does not mean perfection. Let me repeat – Excellence does not mean you have to be perfect! This is a HUGE struggle for me! I know that you might be wondering “Why in the world is she writing about “to-do” lists, daily goals and attitude stuff on a nanny blog” ?  I think that our homes (including the way we take care of our home) reflect who we are deep down inside. Ouch!

Heart And Attitude

Becoming a woman of excellence means that my HEART should reflect an ATTITUDE that wants to do things to the best of my ability and not perfectly.


Writing “to-do” lists, goals, etc

Well you can start off by making daily goals for the day! Next, you make a “To-Do” list.  Your list should reflect today’s goals. This will help you keep all activities and priorities in check.

Remember that your goals, activities and priorities will be different than mine today. Please don’t judge yourself or me for that matter.

Just remember that you want to give meaning behind everything that you do today even if it’s folding laundry!

Here is a sample: (This is not really my list for today, but only a sample)
Today’s Goals : 

  • To share the love of Christ & truly live out a Proverbs 31 woman / wife / mother
  • Encourage others
  • Work on blog
  • Make flower arrangement for a friend
  • Prepare fun homeschool lessons for my daughter
  • Meal plan
  • Have clean clothes in the closets
  • Workout

In no particular order – My “To-Do” List for today

  • Fold laundry / run a load of laundry
  • Grocery shop
  • Prep meals for family (chop food for crock pot meals)
  • Work on blog
  • Play with my children
  • Prepare meal for family
  • Home-school daughter
  • Workout
  • Walk with a friend (encourage her)

You will feel so good about yourself as you check off items off your list today!


Remember to always set a goal 1st and then write your “To-Do” list.

♥ Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get everything done off your list.   Just strive to do as much as you can  and celebrate what you did get done today 🙂


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