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Have You Ever Really Thought About What Being A Nanny is All About?

Have You Ever Really Thought About What Being A Nanny is All About?

Have you ever sat back and thought about what it means to be a nanny? Being a nanny means building a relationship that never stops growing! It means that you go into a beautiful home to take care of a family that is also going to take care of you! Being a nanny means being goofy, playing outside, having more people In your corner and spending your free time making a difference. 

Children thrive through relationship and feeling wanted by those around them. This is the time in their life where they learn about healthy relationships and how life should look and being a nanny allows you to be a part of that. It allows you to show a child what it means to be cared for and loved on. Being a nanny is not the type of job that you have to do, but is one that you get to do! You get to put a smile on a kids face; you get to watch them grow and develop; you get to make a difference.

Sometimes even when the work is more dishes, laundry, grocery lists and errands, being a nanny is always worth it in the end. You know the kids like the back of your hand. You know the name of their favorite stuffed animal, their favorite foods, what they are scared of, and what makes them the happiest. Being a nanny is unintentionally holding on to every detail of a child’s life so that you can constantly improve it. Rewarding does not even begin to describe it.

Working with kids is the easiest way to turn work into a wonderful and fun experience. Nannying means living large but loving even bigger!

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