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Giving To Charities In 2016

Giving To Charities In 2016

Giving To Charities In 2016

Giving To Charities In 2016

As I reflect back on all God’s blessings this year (marriage, family, health, a roof over our heads, cars to drive, food to eat, children, business, etc.), I can’t help but think of the needs of others. Honestly, it can be quite overwhelming when you start looking at the world around us and the basic needs of so many like food and shelter. The needs of others can be so overwhelming at times that writing a check or packing a Christmas shoe box is much easier, than donating my energy, time and talents; However, we are going to be changing that this year starting with our business.

You see, I read a book over the Christmas break that challenged me to the core. My husband and I have always been big believers in giving to others with our finances, time and talents. We are typically very quiet about our giving to our church, missionaries, friends or charities, but I have been challenged through this book to let you all (readers) be apart of the journey as well. I do not feel that it’s necessary to share with you ALL of our personal goals towards giving to others; However, I do feel led to share with you all what Georgia’s Dream Nannies is going to be doing differently this year and how we plan to make a difference not only here at home, but around the world.

Please stay tuned…………

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