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Fall Fun for Preschoolers: Pumpkins, Leaves, and More!

Fall Fun for Preschoolers: Pumpkins, Leaves, and More!

Are you a nanny who homeschools or teaches preschoolers on a daily basis? Looking for some fun and educational fall activities for your kids?

We can help!

Preschool Lesson Plan: Pumpkins and Fall Time

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will be able to identify pumpkins and other fall symbols.
  • Students will be able to describe the different colors, shapes, and sizes of pumpkins.
  • Students will be able to learn about the life cycle of a pumpkin.
  • Students will be able to develop their fine motor skills through pumpkin-themed activities.


  • Real pumpkins or plastic pumpkins in a variety of sizes and colors
  • Pumpkin pictures
  • Pumpkin life cycle diagram
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Pumpkin-themed activities, such as pumpkin painting, pumpkin carving, or pumpkin seed counting


  1. Introduction:
    • Show students a real pumpkin or a plastic pumpkin. Ask them what the object is called.
    • Explain that pumpkins are a type of fruit that grows in the fall.
    • Show students pictures of pumpkins in different colors, shapes, and sizes.
    • Ask students to describe the pumpkins they see.
  1. Life Cycle of a Pumpkin:
    • Show students a pumpkin life cycle diagram. Explain the different stages of the pumpkin life cycle.
    • Use real pumpkins or plastic pumpkins to demonstrate the different stages of the pumpkin life cycle.
    • Ask students questions about the pumpkin life cycle, such as:
      • What is the first stage of the pumpkin life cycle?
      • What happens to a pumpkin after it is picked?
      • How do pumpkins grow?
  1. Pumpkin Activities:
  • Choose a pumpkin-themed activity to do with your students. Some ideas include:
    • Pumpkin painting
    • Pumpkin carving
    • Pumpkin seed counting
    • Pumpkin matching game
    • Pumpkin sorting activity


  • Observe students during the pumpkin activities to assess their understanding of pumpkins and the fall season.
  • Ask students questions about the activities they are doing.
  • Have students create a pumpkin drawing or painting to show what they have learned.


  • For students who need additional support, provide them with more guidance and assistance during the pumpkin activities.
  • For students who are ready for a challenge, provide them with more complex pumpkin activities, such as pumpkin carving or pumpkin seed counting.

Extension Activities:

  • Read pumpkin-themed books to your students.
  • Take your students on a field trip to a pumpkin patch.
  • Have a pumpkin-themed party at your preschool.
  • Make pumpkin-themed snacks, such as pumpkin muffins or pumpkin cookies.
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