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Fall Fun!

Fall Fun!

Need some help thinking of a creative craft to do with your nanny kids? Well this is the perfect place for you! A craft
can be anything from sitting down and coloring on an empty sheet of paper, to finger painting on a giant canvas!
Letting a child express their imagination through creativity opens up the door for learning a little bit more about what
the child’s interests are, while also giving them free reign to express themselves. There are many day to day crafts
that you can do all year long – such as making keychains, bracelets and my favorite, that I have personally enjoyed
doing, is creating tie dye t-shirts! It gives them the ability to express themselves with bright colors, as well as really
getting to do a hands-on activity!
With the holiday season coming up, there are so many creative and fun ideas for you and the kids! Here are some
amazing ideas that we have for you!! Thanksgiving and fall calls for colorful leaves everywhere! Go outside, collect
the leaves and make a colorful fall wreath using all of the beautiful fall colored leaves! This is a simple craft that
allows them to have fun, all while creating something beautiful for their families!
Some other fun fall ideas would be painting pumpkins, baking cookies, making ghosts out of tissue and rubber bands
or making snowmen out of marshmallows and pretzels! There are so many fun and simple ways to be creative this
holiday season and this is our way of doing them with you!

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