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Fall Decorating Tips

Fall Decorating Tips

Fall Decorating Tips


It is almost time for fall. Cooler weather, fireplaces and fire pits, s’mores, football, chili, boots, pumpkin spice latte and fall decorations – it is my favorite time of year. I love Spring’s freshness and softer colors, I love the ease of summer, I love snowy winter days… but there is something about fall that just makes me smile on the inside. So for all my fellow fall lovers (and everyone else as well) here are some easy fall decorating tips to help us embrace the change of seasons


1. Sweep off the porch, get rid of the cobwebs. Grab the hay bales. Add marigolds, mums, pumpkins and create an inviting porch for hanging out and enjoying fall weather.


2. Swap out throw pillows for pillows in fall colors and large striped patterns – or my personal favorite – plaids and tweeds. Ad some throw blankets in coordinating colors. This can be done on the porch or in the family room. Create those inviting spaces for family and friends to gather.


3. Decorate mantels with dried hydrangea and leaves, pumpkins and gourds. Twigs and wooden pieces create a warm atmosphere when the weather is chilly outside. Set a basket or firewood by the fireplace and enjoy dreaming of cozy game nights by the fire.


4. Grab the kids and make an easy fall wreath for your front door. They will enjoy the time hanging out with mom and dad and you will enjoy a wreath with memories. (Secret confession – I sometimes have to let go of decorator perfection and remember to enjoy time with my children)


5. Create a fall scape on your dinner table. I am already looking forward to putting out my new table runner with coordinating plaid placemats. Some fresh seasonal flowers set in a white pumpkin as the vase, or perhaps I will use pomegranates bushes in an antique milk jug.


As each season changes we have the opportunity to create a different atmosphere in our homes with just a couple of simple changes. As we all look forward to cooler weather, more time with family and friends, gathering for football or just the holidays… it is important to remember that most of all we are inviting the people in our lives, friends and family, to feel welcomed, celebrated and loved. That is my favorite part of every season.

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