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Creating Relationships

Creating Relationships

A happy Nanny makes a happy child and a happy child makes a happy family! Building a strong relationship with the children and family can make a huge impact in everyones life. Building a relationship with children can be arduous: sometimes, you naturally connect, and everything moves like a breeze.On other occasions, it feels strenuous since the child is not ready to trust someone new which in turn makes it hard to connect. However, when you do create a bond with them, the feeling is extraordinary. Such is the impact of loving someone and creating a bond with them. You impact them; help them to be better versions of themselves, and working towards building a better, more outgoing personality.
A huge part of being a nanny is figuring out what the children you’re spending all of your time with like to do. Try figuring out topics that children like,by asking questions such as “what interests them?” By figuring out their interest, you let them know that you have similar interests and that you genuinely care about their likes and dislikes. Communicating more helps a child open up to different features of their personality and helps you in bettering your relationship with them. Always remember the little details. Try keeping up with their life. What are their goals? What milestones do they need to reach? How are they going about it? Also, try asking about the things that are taking place in their lives, such as the soccer match they recently had or the basketball practice for their big game next week, their preparation for it and the kind of support they are needing in return. Keep in touch in order to make them feel heard and important.  It makes a child realize that someone genuinely cares about them and the events in their life. Pave the way to find out more about their life and their ambition.  This adds to the quality time you spend with each other and in return makes the children joyful.  
Children crave happiness and positivity as well as fun and adventure. Children are really so simple, it’s all about finding that connection, relating to it and building it into something that excites them for the days that follow. A way to create excitement for days to come would be by simply getting them out of the house for a period of time to get their minds off of school work or the same toys that they see every day. Plan or make up fun games and activities for you to do together such as creative crafts.
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