Christmas Eve Traditions
It is almost here. Can you sense the excitement? Are your children counting down? Are you finishing up all the tiny little details that go into Christmas prep? It seems like the week prior to Christmas is full of busyness and sometimes a little stress. However, I endure it all so that I can make it to Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. It is always worth it. Here are our favorite Christmas Eve traditions.
Don and Serra – We start the festivities with brunch at Serra’s aunt’s house with all of the family. Yummy food, great memories and happy hearts. Then we will end up at church, then home to get children all tucked into bed. We always read the story of Jesus’ birth in Luke right before bed. I love the excitement of the children as they try to fall asleep on Christmas Eve.
Beka – I cook and prep for Christmas morning. We will go to church, and then home to open Christmas pajamas and watch a movie together before bed. It does not always have to be a Christmas movie, sometimes it is just a top movie from that year that we are finally sitting down to watch. My favorite time is when we are all snuggled up on the couch and my mom heart is happy as a clam.
Maribeth – We have Christmas Dinner at my house or my sister’s house. Then we open one present – it is always pajama’s and then we go to bed. At one point we had moved away from family so I started a Christmas Eve dinner and invited friends and neighbors. I love looking around at the people we love and being thankful.
No matter how your family chooses to celebrate Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, may we all be reminded that the people in our lives are more important than the things under the tree. As we take time to slow down for just a day and celebrate the ones we love, make sure that you inhale the sights and smells of the season. From softer lights, to candles, to yummy food to people chattering, dishes clinking to children laughing – stop and allow yourself to feel the joy of the moment.
If this is a year that has brought pain and difficulty, if the joy of the season eludes you and the stress of life tries to intrude, then find your quiet spot, light a candle, play some music or simply stop and breathe. It will not always be tough. It is even more important to look for the little things that make you smile.
Merry Christmas!