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Childcare Help

Hiring a nanny for a newborn

Hiring a nanny for a newborn Hiring a nanny for a newborn can be an exciting time or a daunting task. It depends on how well you plan, search, advertise, recruit, interview and hire your dream nanny. Mommy Guilt Mommy guilt. Exhaustion. You know you’ve reached it when the alarm clock blares and your first thought is “Now what time will I get to...

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Husband travels a lot for work and I need childcare help

[vc_row][vc_column][ultimate_heading main_heading="Husband travels a lot for work and I need childcare help"][/ultimate_heading][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I run into so many moms now days who have husbands that travel for work on a monthly and weekly basis and they have little to no childcare help. Well, I have to ben honest and say that I can't relate to the moms who have traveling husbands so often, but...

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Are You Searching For The Best Nanny

Are You Searching For The Best Nanny?  Let Us Help You Now! Georgia's Dream Nannies is a full service nanny, housekeeper and household manager placement agency that will pamper you through the entire selection process with first class treatment from start to finish. We offer world-class service with highly competitive prices – with Georgia's Dream Nannies, you get it all. Let us help you evaluate your...

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