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Are You Being Realistic With Your Nanny

Are You Being Realistic With Your Nanny

Are You Being Realistic With Your Nanny?

The lines of expectations can get blurry when you hire a nanny for your children.  Please remember that you don’t want to set a trap and sabotage a potentially good Nanny by expecting her to be clone of you.  It doesn’t work that way.  Also, remember that you do not want to expect her to accomplish more than you yourself could accomplish.  Be honest here.  You’re not hiring Superwoman.  Nope.  She’s just a Nanny.  No more or less.

Be realistic with your expectations.  And remember the same attributes you find appealing in a co-worker or businessperson are not at all the qualities that you want to see in a good Nanny.  Nope.  Trust me, if your child is crying for some reason, a sweet little reassuring hug from your Nanny is worth more than all the gold you could find.  Don’t be smug, accept a hug.

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As featured by… | Atlanta Journal Constitution |Best Atlanta ChildcareKUDZU 2013 & 2014 \  CWK Television Network  | Points North Magazine |  Towne Laker Magazine  | Gwinnett Business Journal Newspaper | Cherokee Ledger-News |  Cherokee Tribune | Atlanta – December 12, 2013 – Georgia’s Dream Nannies, Inc. was named a Best of 2013 winner for Atlanta Child Care on a leading source for local business information and consumer reviews.  Over 5 million local businesses competed across a wide range of categories including home, auto, health and professional services. Winners were determined based on thousands of votes from consumers in the Atlanta Kudzu community. Georgia’s Dream Nannies, Inc. received the top honor!

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