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Apps for Christmas

Apps for Christmas

Apps for Christmas


In our tech savvy society it is just terrific that we can use apps on our phone to bring Christmas a little closer to our families. We would love to share some of our favorite apps with you.

Our Top Picks:

  1. Christmas Radio
  2. 2. Santa’s Bag
  3. Elf Yourself

4. Portable North Pole 2018 – Don’s favorite app allows for personalized phone calls to his children. Through multiple scenarios, from reminders to be nice to siblings, work hard in school to encouragement for an achievement earned, you input the information and Santa calls and has a personalized phone call with your child. How much fun is that? There are also personalized video chats as well as Christmas games for children.

5. Christmas Countdown 2018 – Christmas Countdown App. With instrumental Christmas music, a countdown meter letting you know how many days until Christmas, it is a sweet way to keep track of the days left. But, our  favorite part is the Christmas quote that you have each day. Today’s is “I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year” – Charles Dickens

6. Shutterfly – Maribeth’s favorite app is very practical. Most of us have probably heard of Shutterfly. From printed memories to photo gifts, this app has it all. Nannies, this is a great way to surprise your nanny family with pictures of their kiddoes from the last year. What a great way to show how much you care for your nanny family.

These apps are not necessarily going to save the world or save a life. However, when the rush of this season threatens to overtake us, each of these apps has helped each of us to slow down and remember a little of the magic of this season.

Merry Christmas!

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