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Nanny Valentines Craft Heart Painting Project

Nanny Valentines Craft Heart Painting Project

Nanny Valentines Craft Heart Painting Project


I’m sure that you have an extra toilet paper roll around your home somewhere, so grab it and make this cute little heart art project.

What You Need:

  1. Toilet paper roll (bend the end in a shape of a heart)
  2. Red and pink paint
  3. We used a $1 store bought heart shaped box as a stencil, but you can use cookie cutters too


  • Have fun and stamp away!

I made this cute little Valentines craft heart with my daughter while I was cooking dinner.

photo 111 1024x768Valentines Craft Heart


This is what happened to our little project! Paint everywhere!!

photo 62 1024x768Valentines Craft Heart


 Let Me Know If You Make One Today! 


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