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Sensory Activities For Kids And Other Fun Stuff

Sensory Activities For Kids And Other Fun Stuff

Sensory Activities For Kids And Other Fun Stuff


I absolutely LOVE teaching through fun and educational activities, especially sensory activities for kids. A sensory activity is any activity where the child uses his or her senses when engaging an a particular activity. I have selected some of my favorite kid-friendly websites for you to visit and get inspired with your little ones before school starts back up again.

Here are some of my absolute favorite sensory activities for kids:

Click here for a fun pretend ice-cream day!

Click here for puffy paint recipe

Click here for Edible water beads recipe 

Get ideas here for setting up a child’s playroom like a mini classroom – Just in time for the new school year!

This idea would be great to use with different fruit (blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, kiwi, etc.) 

Please comment and let me know what you think of these sensory activities for kids and other stuff and please share your ideas on here to!

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