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How To Stay Active And Not Get Bored This Summer With The Kids: Nannies

How To Stay Active And Not Get Bored This Summer With The Kids: Nannies


How To Stay Active And Not Get Bored This Summer With The Kids: Nannies


I don’t know about you, but I LOVE Summertime because it just seems so nice and relaxing. In fact, I’m sitting outside writing this blog post as the breeze passes by me. It’s just gorgeous outside and makes me want to spend time outdoors. Well, I know that the days will seem to linger on and you will probably start to get bored this Summer if you don’t have a plan for the kiddo’s.

You are in LUCK! Georgia’s Dream Nannies is here to help you plan your Summer. We are going to try to update our blog posts monthly with fun activities and ideas for you to implement during your day. We want your FEEDBACK too. Please visit us on Facebook and tell us what you are doing all Summer long to prevent yourself and the kids from getting bored.

My  Summer “Stay Active And Not Get Bored” Tips For You

  1. Go buy a cheap little calendar and start filling it up with at least one activity per day and as you get used to the calendar start adding more activities on it each day. Stay tuned on our blog! I will show you a sample of a week! Coming Soon!
  2. Sit down at your computer and visit local sites that promote fun activities with coupons like Groupon, etc. and choose 1 activity per week to put on your calendar! Think outside of the BOX.
  3. Get connected with Georgia’s Dream Nannies on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest and interact with other nannies on our pages.
  4. Visit Martha Stewart’s website! Don’t be scared! She has a lot of great stuff on there. Click here 
  5. Have a picnic outside with the kids once a week! Pick a new spot each week (outside, park, play-ground, etc.)

Have you seen push-up ice-cream pops around lately in the stores?

I can’t wait to make something in these cute little Ice-cream pops with the kids! You can add yogurt, juice, ice-cream or even fruit and then freeze them. Super cool! I found these at HomeGoods Store for around $8.00

How To Stay Active And Not Get Bored This Summer With The Kids: Nannies

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