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Super Quick And Easy Valentines Day Craft

Super Quick And Easy Valentines Day Craft

I am so excited to share with a super quick and easy Valentines Day craft that you can do with your little ones today. 

What you will need:

  • 2 pieces of Colored construction paper (Pink or red for Valentines Day) or any color!
  • Glue or glue sticks
  • Scissors
  • Pom-pom
  • Stickers
  • Anything else that you want to glue onto the hands

Quick And Easy Valentines Day Craft – Directions: 

This project takes about 10 minutes. Just trace your child’s hands and then cut-out! Super Simple! Let your child decorate the hands with whatever you want to use. We had to glue the hands to another piece of construction paper to keep from getting to messy.

Trace – Just trace your child’s hands and then cut-out!

Super Quick And Easy Valentines Day Craft

Decorate – Let your child decorate the hands with whatever you want to use. We used pom-pom and stickers (she picked out)

Super Quick And Easy Valentines Craft

My daughter’s finished Valentines Day Craft – We had to glue the hands to another piece of construction paper to keep from getting to messy.

Super Quick And Easy Valentines Craft

In the meantime – My son was very interested in this project!

Super Quick And Easy Valentines Craft


Have Fun! 

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