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Nanny Meal Plan Ideas

Nanny Meal Plan Ideas

Nanny Meal Plan Ideas

Tried & True: Kid Approved Recipes From Our Nannies

We offer a simple Household Staffing solution

Fish or Chicken Tacos

This is a delicious and yummy meal even kids love!


  • 4 chicken or fish breast cut into strips
  • 3 eggs beaten
  • 1 cup of flour
  • 1 cup of seasoned Italian breadcrumbs
  • Garlic salt
  • 1 avocado chopped up
  • 2 limes
  • Handful of cilantro chopped
  • 8 to 12 corn or flour tortillas

Coleslaw Ingredients: 

  • 1 bag shredded coleslaw
  • 3/4 cup mayonnaise
  • 2 tbl of celery seed
  • 3 tablespoons of red wine vinegar
  • Ground pepper
  • Two pinches sea salt
  • Mix wet ingredients and fold into shredded coleslaw place in the fridge

Chipotle sauce: 

  • Make & put in fridge
  • 1/2 cup of mayonnaise
  • 3 tablespoons of sour cream
  • Chipotle chili sauce (buy in store comes in glass bottle)
  • I usually add about five shakes of the bottle, personal choice you can add more or less depending how spicy you want your chipotle sauce
  • Squeeze juice of 1/2  lime
  • Sprinkle garlic salt on the fish or the chicken
  • Dip the chicken into the flour then dip into the egg and then dip into the Italian breadcrumbs
  • Sauté in a hot pan with olive oil then place the chicken or the fish in a preheated oven at 350 to finish cooking about 10min

Assemble tacos; 

Toast your tortilla, slather with the mayonnaise chipotle sauce add your chicken or fish then add coleslaw, avocado and cilantro squeeze a little bit of lime


Meet Tracy

Tracy has been in the domestic field for over 30 years. Early in her career, Tracy noticed a void in the daycare field and decided to open her own private preschool! Within her first year – the preschool had a wait list of over two years as it proved to provide a high quality, loving and a fun academic program for children. In the mid 2000s, she then began working with Georgia’s Dream Nannies and secured a position as a household manager. She had the privilege of working with this family for over four years until they moved. Since then, she has been blessed with a variety of positions and her current family lovingly calls her the “CEO” of their family!




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