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6 Ways To be Happy in your nanny job

6 Ways To be Happy in your nanny job

6 Ways To be Happy in your nanny job!

1.     Choose to be happy!  It may sound simple, but if you have a positive outlook on your job,  then you will enjoy it more!

2.     Avoid being negative! Don’t let a stressed out parent ruin your day or an unruly child make you pull your hair out. Choose to be happy!

3.     Only make commitments that you can keep! Don’t promise to babysit every other Friday night if you really don’t want to do it.

4.     Grow! Read a child related book that will help you grow in your field. Take online childcare classes or go back to school and learn more about the childcare field.

 5.     Ask your employer for feedback! Tell your employer that you want to grow and do your best, so ask them to give you constructive feedback!

6.      Make friends with other nannies in the childcare field! Don’t gossip when you get together, but encourage one another instead.


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