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5 Ways To Tell If You Are Stressed Out After Hiring Household Staff

5 Ways To Tell If You Are Stressed Out After Hiring Household Staff

5 Ways To Tell If You Are Stressed Out After Hiring Household Staff


Families typically hire a nanny, housekeeper or household manager to help make their lives easier, but if they are not careful during the hiring process they (the boss) might actually become more stressed out after hiring a household help; such as a nanny, housekeeper or household manager.

Georgia’s Dream Nannies has served families since 2003, so we’ve learned through trial and error the pitfalls of the household industry and can help guide families into the right hiring decision, but ultimately it’s up to the families to make it work long-term. We can write a 100 blog posts from our own personal experiences suggesting ideas that have been tested and work, but ultimately its up to the family to implement any suggestions. Please take a look at our 5 ways to tell if you are stressed out after hiring household help below and let us know what you think about our article.

Nannies and other household staff – We’ve complied a list of articles just for YOU on handling stress and burnout! Read More

1st way to tell if you are stressed out

Prideful: I know what I’m doing because I manage employees in my professional life.  “Please do not give me any advice or tips about raising my children or managing my home”.  Uh-Oh! If you are not careful, then you will drain your household employee mentally, emotionally and physically within a few short days.

Tip: Your new employee  or seasoned household employee is a blessing and not a curse, so start telling yourself that over and over until it sinks in. It’s a good idea to work with your household employee as a team. Yes, you are still the boss and have the final say-so with whatever happens in your home, but sit down and come up with household rules and our policies together and then go over them with your children, so everyone is on the same page. Think of it like a “mini” household employment manual just for your home. The household manual can be 1 or 2 pages long and list out your expectations and or rules for the employee and what you expect from the kids while the household employee is working.

2nd way to tell if you are stressed out

Anger: You look at your household staff as little annoyances running around your home instead of a blessing.  “Stop complaining about everything and be thankful.”  I don’t know about you, but I find myself saying “stop complaining” a lot when speaking to my children. I’m not sure where they learned how to complain so much….Sigh!  Reality Check –  Gulp! Me! Gulp again!  We live in a time where it’s totally acceptable to complain about everything and we want our voices heard no matter how much damage we may cause to others. We are raising a new generation of little  “Give it to me now or I’ll just complain till you give me what I want” generation. Gulp!

3rd way to tell if you are stressed out

Sleepless: You can’t sleep at night because you are so concerned about your household staff and what they should or should not be accomplishing in your home. Make a quick list of things that need to get done the night before and start learning how to delegate household tasks instead of storing them in your head. Tip – Don’t text your household employee a million times before and or after work. Stop the madness if you do! Speak with your employee and come up with a solution!

4th way to tell if you are stressed out

Irritable: You become easily irritated at your household staff for unrealistic expectations or no reason at all daily. Yikes. You might need a vacation or just “mommy time-out” where you can get alone and just think before speaking to anyone. It’s okay – We all have those days.

5th way to tell if you are stressed out

Perfection to the MAX: It’s a good idea to desire a clean home and happy children, but you could be stressing over little details in your home due to your own personal perfection and standards that no-one can meet, except you. Click here to read another helpful article


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