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5 Days of Helping You Become the Best Nanny: Day 2

5 Days of Helping You Become the Best Nanny: Day 2

1st Week On The Job

5 Days of Helping You Become the Best Nanny: Day 2

Your First Week on the Job

Welcome back to our 5 day series of helping you become the best nanny! Now that you have an idea of what you should know before you start a nanny job, let’s talk about that very first week.  Your first week on the job can be a little stressful. Whether you’re working in the Atlanta-Georgia area, Charlotte-North Carolina, Tennessee or South Florida, you are most likely a little nervous about working with a new family and you are unsure about what to expect, especially if you have accepted a position as a live in nanny or relocated to take this job. You’ve interviewed with them and gotten an idea of what they are like, but spending that first day and week in a normal schedule can be overwhelming. Don’t worry! This is all totally normal. Here are a few tips to make your first week on the job go as smoothly as possible:

  • Come prepared.  Have a folder with you with any documents you may need. Remember the Nanny Family Agreement? It wouldn’t hurt to have a copy of that with you to go over in person to verbalize that you are all on the same page.
  • Be early, but not too early!  That first week comes with a good deal of instruction. The family will show you around their home and go over all the basics. If you are a little early to work, this allows for the parents to be able to explain everything without feeling rushed before they have to leave for work.
  • Start getting to know the kids as much as possible.  Ask them questions. Show an interest in their lives. Show them that you really care and are excited about getting to know them. Kids know when someone is being genuine and you never know what they’ll tell their parents after you leave!
  • Have a servant heart.  Remember, this family has graciously opened up their home to you and trusted you with the care of their children. Go above and beyond to meet their needs, serve them, and make an impact. Don’t settle for the bare minimum and you will be sure to receive the maximum satisfaction in this new position.
  • Relax.  The parents might be just as nervous as you are. Everyone has expectations of how the week will go, but plans often don’t go as you think they will, so try your best to be flexible and go with the flow as you all settle into a new routine. You’ll be there in no time!

Follow us along for the next 5-days! Click Here To Read The 1st Post!  

5 Days Of Helping You Become The Best Nanny


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As featured by… | Atlanta Journal Constitution |Best Atlanta Childcare KUDZU 2013 \  CWK Television Network  | Points North Magazine |  Towne Laker Magazine  | Gwinnett Business Journal Newspaper | Cherokee Ledger-News |  Cherokee Tribune | Atlanta – December 12, 2013 – Georgia’s Dream Nannies, Inc. was named a Best of 2013 winner for Atlanta Child Care on a leading source for local business information and consumer reviews.  Over 5 million local businesses competed across a wide range of categories including home, auto, health and professional services. Winners were determined based on thousands of votes from consumers in the Atlanta Kudzu community. Georgia’s Dream Nannies, Inc. received the top honor!


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