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3 Keys to Land your Dream Job with Georgia’s Dream Nannies

3 Keys to Land your Dream Job with Georgia’s Dream Nannies

3 Keys to Land your Dream Job with Georgia’s Dream Nannies

3 Keys to Land your Dream Job with Georgia’s Dream Nannies

3 Keys to Land your Dream Job with Georgia’s Dream Nannies

If you are a candidate from Georgia’s Dream Nannies household placement agency, then you have been through the detailed process of applying and interviewing with us. We are so humbled that you have chosen to apply with us as a nannyhousekeeper or other type of household staff with our agency. We can help you find a job all across the United States in places like  Atlanta GeorgiaNashville Tennessee, Charlotte North Carolina, New York, Colorado, Miami Florida. We are now offering nationwide placement services.

Here are some basic tips to land your dream job, with a wonderful family, as a housekeeper or nanny:

  1. Show up to your interview on time.
  2. Show up to your interview prepared with the necessary materials.
  3. Show up with a Smile.

Georgia’s Dream Nannies only send top-notch candidates to interview with our families; therefore, if you are going to interview, if means we really, really like you. We may not have verbalized that enough. But trust me, we think you are a quality candidate.

Part of landing a dream job is being prepared and on-time. The basic expectations of any job are to be prepared and on-time. It is no different with a nanny or housekeeper job. I cannot emphasize the importance of this enough! Our families are busy people—which is why they hired us in the first place. Do not waste their time by being 5 minutes late.

The best way to ensure that you are on-time to an interview is to make the drive to their house before-hand. That way, you know where you are going. If you are not able to do that—leave an hour early. Did I say an hour? Yes. If your GPS says it will take 30 minutes, give yourself an hour and a half. There could be a multitude of things to happen while you are on the road in traffic (Atlantans—can I get an amen?). If you actually do arrive an hour early, drive by the house (be sure to check the house number) and go stop at a local coffee shop or restaurant to wait for a few minutes.

Ideally, you are knocking on their door five minutes before the interview time. That really puts your best foot forward and shows that you are on time.

Also, you should have the materials we told you to bring. We want you to leave your portfolio with the family so that they can remember who you are. You are not the only person they are interviewing (this is normal for any position that you apply for with any company). We want our families to make the best choice for their family. Sometimes, it can be difficult when choosing because we have such great candidates. Your portfolio is the best way for you to leave a lasting impression.

Do not forget to smile! I know interviewing can be nerve-wrecking. It is important for you to make sure that your nerves do not overshadow your personality. If all else fails, remember, we really, really like you. You are a top-notch candidate!

Above all- BE ON TIME. I cannot stress that enough. The time you show up is your first impression. It might seem trivial, but it is not.

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GA & FL and other surrounding areas (770) 517 – 0443
NC (704) 208 – 4542


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